Sunday, 6 March 2011

A choosing musing...

Do you have a favourite? If so, please take a moment to add your choice in the voting scenario below.
You may decide betwixt Riddance and Stasis

Thank you for whatever time you have taken here.
You are very precious to me.


I may have to remove this widget shortly however because it looks pretty darn ugly!

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Not much to look at

The piece, thus far, still seems to be at almost the same stage as last time.


But I can assure you that those trees and the carcass itself were pretty much carved from scratch and I now have sore hands as proof of it.
I quite like it in this naked state.


Friday, 4 March 2011

A scary day

. I thought I'd better check out the suitability of my work's sexual content so got in touch with someone at The Summer Exhibition headquarters.



I then took myself lingerie shopping as a treat, because that's artistic don't you know.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011