Saturday, 28 December 2013

Old year/new year (The Infernal Desire Machines of Doctor Hoffman)

An excerpt:

The peep-show proprietor was blind and lame but he certainly knew his way about the town and led me unerringly to a small bar so deep inside the fisherman's quarter the streets no longer bothered to keep up appearances and relapsed thankfully into slumminess.  We sat down at a marble topped table and, without waiting for our order, a black brought us two glasses of the crude spirit that passes for brandy among the poor.  He left the bottle on the table.  The peep-show proprietor emptied his glass at a draught.
   'The purpose of my display,' he remarked, is to demonstrate the difference between saying and showing.  Signs speak.  Pictures show.'
   I filled up his glass again for him and he thanked me by leaning across the table and comprehensively stroking my face with his gnarled finger-tips, as if learning my dimensions before sculpting me.
   'Who sent you?' he asked abruptly.


"Is not this whole world an illusion? 
And yet it fools everybody."

                                                          Angela Carter

Sunday, 22 December 2013

Friday, 20 December 2013

O finger of mine!

 Wind: I hate you still 
(and we shall never be friends)

Although it looks like this was a happy occasion
do not be fooled!

I was numb with the sheer grisliness 

Uncontrollable laughter just showed up

But still the tears took my mascara clean off!