Friday 11 November 2011

Oh I am stricken!

After many minutes of screaming in pain so agonising that I was forced to scream, an ambulance was called for me to be rushed away in.

I did attempt to sashay myself into it, but swooned from the exertion and awoke gazing up at the jumpsuit clad crotch of one of my paramedics for the evening - a treasured moment.

Six hours later I left the Casualty department with some drugs and the illness incapacitation which forced me to remain upon a sickbed for nigh on a week. 

Thankfully, I managed to rouse and heave myself along to the truly amazing Dormitorium exhibition showing at Leeds Town Hall crypt.

I sneaked these images, but other people were doing it so I am quite sure it wasn't illegal...

And the word on the street (of crocodiles) is that Leeds is the place to be in 2012 for any fans of the brothers Quay.  Excellent!